635 S. Presa St., San Antonio, Texas 78201

My Law Firm Will Deliver Effective Guidance

Matrimonial litigation

If you have a family situation that requires legal help, you deserve a seasoned attorney who cares about his clients and knows Texas law.  I represent clients in various types of family law matters, including divorce premarital/postmarital agreements and protective orders. With over 35 years of legal experience, I understand both the legal and emotional sides of unpleasant situations requiring attorney representation. My firm takes a personalized approach to each case and seeks to obtain positive results that enable clients to protect themselves and their families and help adjust to significant changes in their lives.

Comprehensive representation for divorcing spouses

Whether your breakup is friendly or bitter, my firm is committed to helping you resolve your issues successfully.  Choosing to end a marriage is never easy and should be considered a last resort only if the couple is unable to reconcile their marital differences.  However, if necessary, with the guidance provided by a compassionate professional, you may preserve your rights and move ahead with confidence.  A divorcing spouse must understand each important aspect of their case, including:

  • Grounds — Texas state law permits both “no-fault” dissolution when the marriage is no longer supportable, and, alternatively, on “fault” grounds such as adultery or cruelty.  Upon analyzing your fact information, I can advise you as to what optional legal strategies are available in your case.
  • Mediation — As a trained mediator, I understand in family law how the mediation resolution process reduces both legal costs and stress for divorcing spouses. Even if there are sharp differences between the parties, mediation seeks to reach a signed agreement between the parties without the necessity of the risk and costs of continued litigation and court trial.
  • Property division — Texas is a community property state, which also recognizes that parties may have separate property interests. If conflicts exist about valuation or whether a particular item is marital or separate property, I will advocate for you when negotiating or litigating in court.

Premarital and post-marital agreements

Executing a thorough marital agreement can protect your property rights and avert costly litigation if the marriage does not work out.  My law firm works with opposing counsel to develop fair premarital and post-marital agreements which clearly set forth how assets should be allocated in the event of divorce.  By making these preparations, husbands and wives can be secure in the knowledge that breaking up will not lead to unnecessary and unplanned financial problems.

Contact my law firm for a consultation

Please call 210.920.6347 or contact me online for a consultation.


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